There are a lot of different ideas in order to help with the "anxiety" of the first few days of a new routine, school, teachers and new friends.
Here are a couple of them...
Read Books about School and Separation:
Develop a goodbye routine:
Kids do better when they know what to expect and transition times can be tough. Help ease the stress of goodbyes by rehearsing and planning what you both will do. Tell your child what you are going to do when you take him to school or the bus stop, for example, walk him to the door give him a hug and say see you later alligator. That way during the craziness of the first week of school you both will know exactly how that transition will go. (retrieved from
As we have mentioned before, this can be a challenging time. Please let us know if we can be of any help.
ECC Teachers
As we have mentioned before, this can be a challenging time. Please let us know if we can be of any help.
ECC Teachers